Product Details
- Volume1 qt
- ColorTranslucent Yellow
- FormLiquid
Cal-Shield utilizes the recognized ability of Teflon to shield and protect finned cooling and heating coils. Cal-Shield is a synergistic liquid formulation based upon DuPont's Teflon fluroadditives. It's specifically designed for application on air-cooled condensers, evaporator coils, and other finned heating and cooling coils where it forms a micro-thin or molecular film made with Teflon. Once applied, Cal-Shield will shield & protect the coil from adverse conditions within the operating environment.
Formulated with DuPont Teflon. Made with FDA approved ingredients. Ready-to-use formulation. Forms protective shield on coils. Reduces ability of dirt and grime to adhere & build up on coil. Makes next cleaning easier. Extends life of coils operating in corrosive environments like salt air & food acids. Enables coil to perform at designed efficiency.